Precision Medicine

Information science for personalized medicine

Precision medicine puts forward the possibility of improving care by increased Prevention, Precise Prescribing according to Predicted disease course while protecting Privacy and involving Participation of patients. Several teams are involved in the developing analyses of medical data at multiple scales, from data specific to a patient to databases involving millions of individuals; in close cooperation with laboratories in mathematics, probability and statistics, and computer science. Four topics are currently investigated:
  1. the immunogenetics of kidney graft (“transplangenomics”);
  2. the statistical learning in imaging (“radiomics”);
  3. the genetics and immunogenetics of rare cancers;
  4. the use of routine database to document trajectories of care and compare treatment efficacy.


Project Leader

Pr. Pierre-Yves Boëlle, IPLESP – Institut Pierre Louis d’Epidemiologie et de Sante Publique, Sorbonne Université, INSERM U1136, AP-HP – Hôpital Saint-Antoine

Scientific Coordinators


  Main units and research teams at Sorbonne Université and AH-HP:
  • INSERM UMR1155 “Des maladies rénales rares aux maladies fréquentes”
  • CNRS UMR 8001 LPSM Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation
  • INSERM UMR1136 IPLESP « Institut Pierre Louis d’Epidemiologie et de Santé Publique »
  • INSERM UMR1142 LIMICS « laboratoire d’informatique médicale et d’ingénierie des connaissances en e-Santé »
  • AP-HP, Tenon Hospital, Radiology department
  • CNRS UMR 7238, Computational and Quantitative Biology
  • INSERM UMR 938, CRSA « Centre de Recherches SAINT-ANTOINE»